Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Is meat, potato, vegetable really a balanced meal?

Here is a quick and easy guide to a balanced meal:

Non Starchy Vegetables

Yes, these are the cornerstone of a healthy meal. About half your plate should be filled up with these. Non-starchy means no potatoes, corn or beans or grains. These are simple veggies like leafy greens, carrots, egg plant, asparagus and such. Fruit can also work for this portion so if you want to pile your plate high with honey dew melon or grapes, that is fine. Try to keep this portion as unprocessed as possible. That means stay away from stuff canned in syrup, heavy sauces or fried preparation methods for example. Keep it fresh and simple.

Starchy Vegetables

This is a quick energy source. These include grains, corn, beans and such. Again, try to keep things as unprocessed as possible. Fried beans are not healthy, neither are processed pastas. However, whole grain pastas, fresh green beans, fresh corn, non bleached rice, etc. are great! Again, stay away from unhealthy sauces or preparation method. Fresh corn is not that healthy once you cover it in butter and rice is not nearly as good for you if it is fried. Fresh and light sauces like tomato based salsas and such are perfect. This portion of the meal should fill up about a quarter of your plate.


The last quarter of the plate is for protein. This should come in the form of lean meats like turkey, chicken, fish or venison. Some lean cuts of beef may be alright, but try not to go overboard. For vegetarians, this portion could include soy, eggs, beans, tofu, nuts or dairy. Again, taking something healthy and then deep frying it does not make for a healthy meal. So stay away from fat heavy preparation methods or sauces. Instead, try to liven things up with a variety of spices. They’re usually healthier for you.

With that said--vegetable, potato, and meat...yes, this is a balanced meal! But only if half your plate is the non-starchy vegetable!!

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