Saturday, January 9, 2010

Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?


  1. Very interesting preview of the PBS documentary. Hard to determine the main factors contributing to the U.S.'s obese and unhealthy habits. To me it sounds more social and environmental. Yeah, maybe certain people are born with a certain predisposition to drink, smoke, or involve themselves in unhealthy behaviors but if they had never been exposed to these behaviors would our Nation be in such a horrific health state. When does health education get the recognition it deserves? Are we going to wait until the average weight for a male is just FAT, and heart disease is considered a normal death for most all people? Will the Government regulate the fast food restaurants who routinely advertise to young children to come eat their happy meals when mom or dad are supersizing their french fries to go with their three patty cheese burger slopped with a condiment-drenched bun?

  2. I thought this was interesting when we also consider the Why Your DNA Isn't Your Destiny article. I think that this supports the idea that there are disparities of health. If our genomes could affect the expression of our DNA that is even more evidence in support that obesity is a health issue that we could alter if we just address some of the nutrition problems.
